Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The story of change- American election 2008

As I sit here, keeping track of the American elections, as political pundits try to call the game early; I realised sometimes part of playing a game is knowing your weaknesses and knowing the formidable-ness of the opponent. Before I elaborate on this thought though, I want to go into my stochastic thoughts...

Long before this game is over, many would predict an Obama win, it seems at this stage that the fight is closer than it was in the primaries when Obama was pitted against Clinton. Money, energy and incredible spirit went into the campaigns but particularly Obama's campaign. Yes, it really was his. This whole election would probably be another one, if not for him. What is it about him? Is it that he has made history? Before that, was it his ideas, his speeches, his charisma that rallied crowds and caught theri attention.

Obama runs by something that few people have ever runned by. Yes, he has indeed enmassed crowds becasue of the historicity of his run and later his canidacy. Again, his down-to-earth speeches could not have been more eloquent and eye catching. Finally, he had the charm and grace of a politician. And yes, we must not forget every situation was in his favour. There was the war to begin with. The more it lingered, the louder in tingered in the ears of the American electorate. Oil prices were swooning right over the heads of the largest oil consuming economy, people were fuming. Then, when he found himself in a dead heat with McCain, who had seem to had found a game changer in Sarah Palin, Barack Obama was handed the economic crisis. Not just a depression, but a money market failure. The federal reserve bank and treasury were at their wits end pulling all stops to prevent investment banks from going down. When Lehman filed for bankruptcy, people trembled. Many homes forclosed and soon home owners were facing the downward pressure, owing more on morgages then their homes cost. It hit close to home. But it wasn't all handed to him. Yes, he ran on the troubles on America, but the question is who did he run as?

Most politicians, choose to publicized themselves as the guy-next-door or your everyday person. Just like most Americans, they want to picture humble beginings and hhardwor, good values and maybe, from a certain perspective, a kind of fairy tale ending. But Obama did more than that, he wanted to portray himself not just as an everybody. He wanted to be the saviour. Like Jesus, he wanted to be a carpenter's son. Like Jesus, he wanted to be the son of a widow. Like Jesus, he wanted to be a revolutionary. Like Jesus, he wanted to out talk the pharisees, scribes and Romans of the day. Like Jesus, he wanted to help the poor and out. Like Jesus, he wanted to teach the people. And like Jesus, he came at the time of captivity.

But he is not Jesus. Obama promised change but never did he exactly state what change he had in mind. He mounted the stumps, promising a departure from poltics, was he promising paradise? He raillied supporters, mostly youth to inspiration slogans and chants! He decried the apostacy of the Bush policies and instead he said believe in me becasue I am change. He declared that he wanted to give back the wealth to the people. By saying this, he was saying that he knew, just like Jesus, that he could tax people who work and give it to those who need it. He is the invisible hand of the free market. He is the hand that will decide becasue he has an instinct and foresight of prophecy. When he first came on the presidencial scene, he said that he was the only one, who voted against the war. And therefore, he had such a deep insight that he was the man for America. Had he not told them, the war was wrong! And now had it not come to passed! What folly that others had not listen. Becasue he could tell right form wrong. He could distinguish failure from success. And if America needed a messiah, it was now! So now, O America, the land of the brave and free, now vote for thy messiah!

He told them vote for change if you want to see prosperity. If you want to wake up and see the flowers blooming and the leaves blossoming. If you want to see your generations flourishing, then now is the time to vote for change. He was the epitomy of that change. It wasn't a philosophy or a system of values or even a science. If anything it was him. Just as people believe in Jesus, now turn ye, and believe in this god. He didn't stop there alot of being a god is the image of it and so he went to Europe, sat with leaders, made speeches in historical settings and then in the eyes of many he tried to prove his credibility, his signs and miracles.

His first and probabaly only track record was that vote- that vote that he voted against the war in Iraq. Undeniably, he did. But could not that have been anything, a gamble. To jugde a man, judge him in his ideologies. Like Jesus wanted to be jugde, Jesus thought you should jugde him for his doctrines. And maybe thats what Obama failed to realised. It is not the miracles, it is not even the prophecies. It is the doctrines. Because as Jesus predicted many will come in His name, with signs and miracles, healing the poor and blind and lame. But your doctrine, the principle is where you test the mantle of the prophet. Not the charism, the gift, the courage, the look but the doctrine.

Unfortunately, the final doctrine and principle I got from Barack Obama leaves mw without a shadow of doubt. At first he was all chant and spirit but as the story unfolded Barack Obama, the man of change, retarded to socialism. I am hardly surprise, for why should I be. Socialism is just the euphumism and child of communism, also known as Marxism. But socialism is also where man say that we know better, we are the hands of the market, we are god above others above the layman of America. Above them all, we can therefore know what is good more than you. Is not that his philosophy? The doctrine of Barack Obama claims that he as man is the new god.

And finally that is what I think he does not get Barack Obama cannot be the saviour of America. Yes, we all have a responsibility in thsi world. But we, no matter how much we learn, no matter how much virtue there is in us, we are never, never in a position to be better than another. To force our virtue on others. See, at the end of the day, this is it. Jesus kingdom was not of this world, he was not interested in the politics of it, he really wanted to save people souls. But Obama cannot deny that if anyhting his prize is earthy and just like his prize so he must be earthy too. He cannot be Jesus, he cannot be a messiah, he cannot be a saviour and he cannot be above his fellows. He thus, admits so, then he must admit his foundation, doctrinal principles are wrong.

And for that, no matter, the election results, Barack Obama, I believe, is wrong.

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