Saturday, September 13, 2008

Exhaustive thoughts-After another week-Between the next one


Tonight, I am just about too tired to do anything. I have exhausted myself keeping up with work and it seems as if there is no end to it after I am ended. Speaking about ends.

There is that terrible hurricane coming along the gulf of mexico, its power has been estimated in billions of dollars not mere wind speeds and levels of flooding. Worst maybe, it will be collecting lives on it destructive path.

There is also me, here tonight being destructive again. I have been thinking that maybe somewhere along the way we made a mistake. When I sit in class, sometimes I think this teachers barely even know the basic, they skim over it as if it was a waste of time. They feel these basics are irrelevant small details to the bigger picture. And I feel that when we miss this we just passed by too fast and we missed developing substantially. We have superficially developed everything and basics instituions such as law and philosophy and economics and now we come so far in our superficiaity will it be costly to turn around? Or costlier to not?

And so now we are reaping the failed consequences of our rashness and presumption and maybe pride and ignorance too. Banks are failing, our economical system is tragic and we dig bigger holds to pull ourselves out and fall into even bigger ones. Then, look at our systems and philosophy, look at politics. And is it not just a tragic situation!

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