Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Rainy. Like the heavens are crying. For joy or for sadness?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Celeboratry poemed

the 70TH post of my blog! how should we celebrate this?
yesterday there was the rain and rainbow. today, what was there?
i am looking for something in my mail box. is it there?

the funny thing is it is night and the clock on the screen shows it is morning. do you get what i mean?
i am suppose to start writing. and what have i written?
did not play today. why is that?

and on and on and on... they tell the story. where did it end?
i fell asleep on the chair. who woke me up?
this may be the first poem in a long while. why is that?

i tell myself i won't forgive and yet i want to reconcile. with who?
you are thinking if it is you. is it?
i am not upset, depress, estatic, excited. then what am i?

i write and i think. where are they all now?
i have taken my dinner and pure fruit juice. was it good?
the hour prior has passed. does it come back?

the next time you read this. think of me. Who are you?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Soccer: when we play.

this evening, we played football. the best thing was it rained in the afternoon. both the air and ground were fresh. not everybody likes to play when it is muddy cause it would be slippery. but i enjoy slidding in the mud no matter how frustrating it is when i always slip and miss kicking the ball. we were all drenched in mud and sweat! and yes we had a jolly good time.
thats why i love playing and feeling sweaty and kicking the ball! i just love the feeling. i may not be very good now but i still love playing!
expressing myself, HG

Thursday, February 22, 2007

23 Feb: writing sometime before the month fizzles out.

Courage is about overcoming fear.
Almost half this month had been spend in the Philippines. Things that happen in life no matter how small do make a difference. Taking the punches life throws, absorbing it like a punching bag, lifeless thing is not easily done.
The big question is always WHY? There is never really an answer, I think. Sometimes the biggest questions in life are never answered not even at the end of life. Thinking more about it only dishes out more dissatisfaction with life and its lack of answers.
The good thing is that life is a journey. It moves on. So sometimes no matter how big the world looks today. It changes tomorrow. Maybe that's the good of change.
The easiest thing to do is sit here. It is harder to stand up. But sitting, in the first place, was hard getting there.

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