Saturday, September 13, 2008

Exhaustive thoughts-After another week-Between the next one


Tonight, I am just about too tired to do anything. I have exhausted myself keeping up with work and it seems as if there is no end to it after I am ended. Speaking about ends.

There is that terrible hurricane coming along the gulf of mexico, its power has been estimated in billions of dollars not mere wind speeds and levels of flooding. Worst maybe, it will be collecting lives on it destructive path.

There is also me, here tonight being destructive again. I have been thinking that maybe somewhere along the way we made a mistake. When I sit in class, sometimes I think this teachers barely even know the basic, they skim over it as if it was a waste of time. They feel these basics are irrelevant small details to the bigger picture. And I feel that when we miss this we just passed by too fast and we missed developing substantially. We have superficially developed everything and basics instituions such as law and philosophy and economics and now we come so far in our superficiaity will it be costly to turn around? Or costlier to not?

And so now we are reaping the failed consequences of our rashness and presumption and maybe pride and ignorance too. Banks are failing, our economical system is tragic and we dig bigger holds to pull ourselves out and fall into even bigger ones. Then, look at our systems and philosophy, look at politics. And is it not just a tragic situation!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Time knows no end.

A thought passed by today. Just had to put it down. We never really complete anything. There is no ending. Just when we think that we reached the happy ending and it is over. Really it is not.
Stages exist, maybe. But not a full completion. It is just like the life cycle. It is a cycle not a line. And we are part of one cycle. But our end, is not the end. We are the end for a beginning.
if I translate this in to other thing though it implies that no work is ever finish. That everything is a process. We had started from a process and we are just continuing it..

Saturday, September 06, 2008

random paragraphs

2nd week of school- i can feel the work piling up? or is just a figment of my imagination? a page from my experiance?

R- said I should try to write in paragraphs. the problem is I don't think in paragraphs, sometimes not even in sentences.

blog writing- i have been really slacking in keeping this personal forum up to date. it must because it is just not rational. rationality is economical. this is emotional.

heat- sweltering heat this week until the drizzles came. it mist up my spects. licked my skin and make me feel closer to heaven, nearer to the water falls and just wet

no money- my phone ran dry. till the last cent. what does one do with the last cent?

reading wrongly-i have been reading wrongly. did homework earlier. though email information was for me when it was not.

tired- by the end of the week, it usually is the end of me.

isolation- i think it is not about that anymore, i think now i just feel satisfied. just trying to sync without an ambience

home- i realised that my home is no more. moving on.

politics- is only good when the race is close. when u have to fight the inch. other than that we don't call it politics.

hurricanes- they even have one name after me. well, almost.

songs- can may u feel like singing. when u hear them. they are infectious.

game theory- rational???

economist- proud???

Monday, September 01, 2008

August... and new term...

Schools started and I was just mumurring that sometimes I cannot understand the furore of school beginings. I wish it was just a little more calm. or instance I don't really enjoy the buying books commotion, trying to remember where each class and appreciating the querks of every lecturer! To say the least I don't find it exciting, why care about the nitty-gritty things! Why not get into the work and start to learn what counts.. startings are so mundane and slow and they don't really tell you about classes sometimes they can even be deceiveing.
That said, there has been alot going on in the world. Russia and Georgia virtually at war and this tight rope Europe is trying to walk and the inertness of the United States. Russia is almost taking advantage of the situation. Then there is the US elections as it goes into its full swing and all the hype with it. Of course, even nature has to get a little in the news room, China has been dealt anohter blow, in Sichuan again, with an earthquake and all the reprucussions seems to be big bolts as well. They seem to be getting no sleep. And about this time as well, the hurrican Gustav (such a russian name) hits the news page even as it destroys homes and brings recollections of Katrina. Then, the Japanese prime minister quit, maybe another revolt in Thailand. Man City is sold to an Arab group. The Premier League gets under way. US Open starts with the end to the Olympics. Is Federer going to take it home this time?
So thats for a quiet update. Alot of things to think about and no time to think about them. It seems that everything in life will demand somthing from you and unknowingly you you do give somewhat to them... only they demand MORE!!
I kind of like the silence and privacy of my room. Affords me the space to be idle here. I am just getting into the mood.
Yet to see the world, HoG

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