Saturday, September 06, 2008

random paragraphs

2nd week of school- i can feel the work piling up? or is just a figment of my imagination? a page from my experiance?

R- said I should try to write in paragraphs. the problem is I don't think in paragraphs, sometimes not even in sentences.

blog writing- i have been really slacking in keeping this personal forum up to date. it must because it is just not rational. rationality is economical. this is emotional.

heat- sweltering heat this week until the drizzles came. it mist up my spects. licked my skin and make me feel closer to heaven, nearer to the water falls and just wet

no money- my phone ran dry. till the last cent. what does one do with the last cent?

reading wrongly-i have been reading wrongly. did homework earlier. though email information was for me when it was not.

tired- by the end of the week, it usually is the end of me.

isolation- i think it is not about that anymore, i think now i just feel satisfied. just trying to sync without an ambience

home- i realised that my home is no more. moving on.

politics- is only good when the race is close. when u have to fight the inch. other than that we don't call it politics.

hurricanes- they even have one name after me. well, almost.

songs- can may u feel like singing. when u hear them. they are infectious.

game theory- rational???

economist- proud???

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