Saturday, March 03, 2007


I am updating on my whereabouts. What have I been doing is such a constant refrain in talking to anybody- from my parents to people I talk to on blue moons. I think this will serve to answer your queries and curiosity why I have not been up to anyhting according to you.
There is no angst to this.
I have been reading and musing on things I do not understand trying to acquescience ideas that I hear of but never solemly try to apprehend or formulate for myself. Now I am doing that. And I suppose for greater readership, it has been a very long and tedious process. It is not however boring or a great waste of time because it has serve my own mental sate of mind in easing queriries and polishing my education of the brain.
In between, this writng and reading process, I find myself in need of playing. So I have been playing soccer, rugby and running- working on both my stamina and speed. After returning from the Philippines having spend three weeks there, I am not trying to get back the energy I need. Again for wider readership, I suffer from great losses of bouts of energy which is very hard to reatin to whenever I put myself at strain or where my body strains itself mentally or physically. Playing with friends or strangers. Or sometimes running by myself.
After which I spend a great time loitering, considering that it is a past time I would never possess again. Traveling is included incessantly in loitered time. Soon I will be making a pilgrimage to Incredible India! Where for the first time, I will be flank by both thawing prosperity and roaring poverty in Mumbai and Bangalore who knows in Gujarat as well. They would however not affect to much as I am now reading the denounciation of the Poor laws written by Malthus in the theory of population. And I would understand the practical problems of population that has enchanted poor Malthus to toil in suh a futile endeavour of explaining this things to us only to find years later his theories being overthrown. Nevertheless, the many concerns he has is almost realistic and his theories are terribly sensible right now. In the course of which, I have been baffled time and again by how he could be wrong. Maybe he failed to have seen the whole truth.
So now, that I have explained it all. I am intending to meet some friends in this coming week. And be more energetic!!!

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