Saturday, July 03, 2010

My silence

Have you been in a situation where you wish there was a way to shut everybody and anybody out? It is so noisy. Noise from everything but especially from people. People talking, the words, the giggles and then the questions that patiently sit in the air waiting for your answer. Why, why, why! Do I have to answer them!
SHHHHHHHHHHHHH... if only you were so quiet, the wind would blow and we would feel the air moving passing from one body to another and then we would communicate in the silence. Sometimes, I have regretted being so silent. But my air has run out and you trying to blow on me is not working; it just makes me drier. Those meaningless questions and words they do not fit into the silence but they feed the silence, they mount my resent for meaningless words.
I am quiet for I find no words, I am clouded with feelings and cannot stream them into a sentence. Instead they bounce around in my heads. And when all those people talk it is words bouncing around me. I feel compressed within and without.
I see people moving in a circle, they can call it the cycle of life but all I see is the cycle of death. And we fill the spaces with words. Why! Can we touch without talking? Those meaningless words and sentences and conversations, they take away the minimal air left.
It is probably mine own feelings crowding your conversation with silence. Make some noise! I have invented the latest answer to your game it does not need a syllable.
Do you wish you were never here? Well, me too.

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