Friday, March 12, 2010

Tape on my mouth

It is hard not to write when you feel strongly about something.

It is hard when you cannot be heard.

I cannot write because of fear.

It is frustrating. And yet frustration can boil over to terpidity.

I cannot write because I choose not to write.

I follow the path of inaction and ambiguity.

I cannot write because the message would cover my face with retribution

Sometimes I dream fear and I see fear

I cannot write because the words would be more than my own. It will own others.

I fear the fear of others. I fear for them.

I cannot write because I let the words go into a drain.

Tomorrow when you pick the empty newspaper

You will know why I cannot write again.

And I will be lying there a beggar begging you for my words.

When I was younger, I remember tape on my mouth

I remember a long silence of solemness

It creep in slowly like a bird-

wings masterly fluttering- across the silent ocean

First, I could not hear the words in my buzz and my skip

Then the words took shape of sound and pictures

Some real, some not so;

some close, some not so;

some love, some not so

I taped my own mouth.

They will hang a string

They will leave the room

You will be alone

I taped my own mouth.

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