Friday, April 25, 2008

The world is moving on. But where to...

I haven't been blogging for a while, but finally I am back. While I have been away, things have changed. Not just with me personally, but more so with the world I live in. In a way it has not changed but rather the light has shifted on what it is really like outside there in thw worth we call earth, we call home.
The Olympics, one of the things I look forward to is coming up this summer 2008. It is taking place in China. China and the Olympics? The irony must strike you. The embodiment of the human spirit and the emblem of the destroyer thereof. There are all sorts of arguments and issues being raised. As the Olympic torch has taken its journey, riots have been sparked in some of the major cities. It may seem like one of those activist movements, struggles; you know the usually crazy passionate freaks who riot for what they may not even know alot about. But there is alot at stake here. This arguments have not to do with if heads of states should attend. If China should have been given the right to hold the Olympics, or is it if Tibet really belongs to China. There is a principle to it. The principle of liberty and doing what is honest and proper. Some people say there is no absolute truth. But there is and we are cowards to hide from it. Why are leaders so afraid do something? Because of money? This problem of choosing liberty usually stayed down in countries where democracy was a far cry but now it has come to the doorsteps of the champions of the political ideology itself. And they are hesitating...
China has abused its own people. In Tianeman Square, one of the worst pictures when tanks of soldiers ran amok and ran down students their comrades... And the Chinese cannot even feel sad for their own people, they support their government but worse, its ideology, its repression and they blame the western media. It is not about the western media which is bias, admittedly, it is about priniciples which are very obvious form an objective perspective. But people have not just be stupefiied, but pacified with material contentment and material satisfaction of filthy lucre they would sell their souls.
Another thing that has taken of highlight mode, is the rising prices of food necessities. Daily staples such as rice, bread, milk and eggs have increase all over the world. No one is spared; neither rich nor poor, neither industrial countries nor agricultural sectors; neither young nor old. Of course, though the poor and defenceless are the ones that suffer the most from this events. But nobody really knows why this is happening? Nobody, no eocnomist dare even predict why this is happeing. That is why I think this is serious. Because it is baffling. I don't know I smell Malthus and then I smell something fishy... somebody is playing games...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've also been keenly reading the economic news, partly because I've to cut out 'econs' news articles for my son, for his econs Record book. Mind you, Econs is not my cup of tea. But what is happening around us nowadays, with the staple food prices sky-rocketing the way it is... doesn't it seem familiar? Read it somewhere else? Think and I'm sure you'll remember where.

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