Friday, August 04, 2006

The intricate human understanding of the other.

I have been away for some ages. Studying, studying and pretending to. What has develope in this small plot? Nothing much. What has develop in the big universe. alot of small things and alot of huge, time defining things. I wonder if the lost of someone I have never seen matters. Of course, being a Christian, it would matter for eternity. However, what is a death that never was alive. People die everywhere, everyday. I could pretend to feel the pain of the invisible but it is pretend.
I would be ignorant to think this world was a paradise. Somebody, somewhere is wallowing and somebody somewhere is rejoicing. Both share a moment of being the extreme. Both share the moment of divine injection. What is feelings? Do they exsist?
Sometimes it is so hard to realise that people do not feel as we do. What makes one happy may not make another. Is there such a thing as a universal humanhood. I cannot imagine nor apprehend. But I am trying to overcome.
Being in the distance is a human concept that we are who we are. We cannot pretend to feel a loss that never exsist nor can we ignore the feelings of loss. Though, we can truely love what is present. Is that not honesty and sincerity. And in between that we have a human contract that bonds us into a connection. How can we ignore that. We know that and that is how we know malice and joy for others. No hiding under ignorance nor from pretence. The truth prevails.

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