Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Tick,Tick! The clock to hell on earth is ticking...

OK. I was reading the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. It was for class. But I was so taken in by the authors ideas. It is unbelievably astounding how subtly the book is. And all the ehile people were giving scientific reviews about this in class, I felt "Hey! this is real. This is our world". It is sincerely terrifying though, if you think about it. It is not the decadence or why we can't do what we want to. It is not even about how advance we are. It is about human nature. When we come to a point we are almost brain, conscience and soul dead. It is not when breath goes out or the heart stops beating. It is when we are everything we strive to be but not who we are. And if you underscore the book it all begins when we try to be our own god. It is only to our destruction.
Looking at it from a more social view though, the nightmare has already began. The way people have change the definition and structure of a family, the demeaning of love, the lucidness of sex, the concealing of the individuality for the acceptance of society, the destroying of human emotions...
That is as far as I have read into it. And already is gloomy enough to make me shudder.
We are not far from the end of the world I hope because at the rate we are going and the direction we ar egging ourselves in, we are headed for a living hell. Even if I would barely have scrape by that era, the generations that inherit this from us would have to suffer.
Tonight, before I go to bed my prayer would be "Spare us, O God. Spare us from the unthinkable."

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