I watched The Island. It had a vaguely similar scent as Huxley's book The Brave New World.
My thoughts follow:
People always evade the truth of mankind. We ignore who we are and then we cannot see ourselves as who we will become. If we can not see the formal we will never see the latter. Are man as beastly as describe in the movie? Will they do anything to survive? I am not a fan of Sci-Fic books or movies. But the future and ability of technology is not the point. If men had the technological building blocks, if we had the keys to anything, what would stop us. Do we even have a notion of morality?
Yes, we want the powers of God. We want to be rich and famous. We want to be beautiful and smart. But what is it that makes us human. Why will us trying to play god scare us too. Because once we reach that point, who would be god? If everyman were the king, who will be the steward? If the ladder to Babel was completed, in the name of bloody equality, who will step up the ladder first. Yes, maybe Adam Smith's theory may work. But I see why it will not. At that point when we have become our own gods. We neglect evil. There is no more evil. Society will be anarchy. Yea, we would throw the other off the ladder. The movie said people will give anything to survive, Tom Lincoln said "It is small price to pay to live" refering to the 5 million dollars he paid to live. Money is a facade of human life. If we think we can reach the infinite where there will be no now or tomorrow, no evil or good, where we will be our own creators. Our evilness will overcome us, our greed will dispense our future, yes and we will have created our own hell.
Because, ultimately, according to Smith's theory, we will do what is best for us! We would all play god if we could, we would drown everyone for our own good. We would change the laws as it befits us. Yea, we the gods of damnation!
But no, there is no such thing! What makes us human. The movie had a few responses, "soul" and "emotions, pain, happiness". Do they both equate? Even animals, beast have emotions and pain. Elephants can cry. What is the soul? Maybe evolution has an answer to that! Our soul is life. What is life?
Then and finally, our materailistic and hedonistic life. We look forward to now. Our objective of life is to live to please ourselves. Even the good that we do is to please our pleasures. And so we seek the interest of our own and those with similar aims as us. Not so that we can help others but that we can help those with the matching pursuit. And alas! those who stands in the way. Woe betide, for they stand in the way of men who are short sighted. Who have no laws about which to bond them. If we had no institution or societ, no laws or restrictions tha tprotects the individual, it is anarchy. And who is to say what is right or wrong.
Common sense will say... Is there not a God.
But right now, I admit, I am scared to live in this insane world. Behold! another shore...
Hi, kid.
'Maybe evolution has an answer to it?"
Is there a tinge of sarcasm?
Hi, kid.
'Maybe evolution has an answer to it?"
Is there a tinge of sarcasm?
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