Tuesday, February 28, 2006


The problems in this world are overwhelming. They trample my mind because I know, not just that so many problems exist, but that they would never be solved, never be answered. And those that suffer will still be suffering. So here I am, studying and working my socks off because I thought that at least I could use that knowledge to solve the problems that surfaced this earth. The sufferings, that people just like me and yet not like me, have to go through. I am not talking about the problems in under-developed countries that have a long way to climb or problems far away from the society I know and live in. I am talking about problems that surround me everyday, the suffering of the being in modern society. They having to go through the terrors of this society. Yes, sometimes it is material but it goes further than that it is the tearing away of the human dignity. And somehow, we in our ceiled, comforatable positions choose to ignore it choose to ignore the plight of our fellow creatures, that we have participated in creating and that is to our own lost. For when we have destroyed their human dignity, we are destroying the very own foundation upon which we built our own dignity. Take a look around you: the woman or man that fights for his livelihood though he has a job to his name, the person who tries to succeed at school and exhaust the strength, courage and avenues to just getting through, the child who has his life snatch from his hands by being forced to dispose playfulness for the mean attitude of society. We are all lost! We are all suffering.
What has become of civilization? Indeed, we call ourselves more advanced in technology, we pride our education systems, we comfort ourselves in fighting for human rights and we feel satisfied donating the remants of our income and savings into the donation boxes.
Tell me, can all the economist and politicians, and should I add, the philosophers and the sociologist, the scientist and the mathematicians... can they see the pain, let alone solve it.
Sympathy is far, how much more solutions?
My heart is heavy. It really is. For I know that I have come to school not to learn the solutions- though apparently they present it- but to see the multitiude of problems and realize that they can never be solve.
So Adam Smith sits in his armchair and talks shit (I am a great fan of economics and the capitalist system), but is it going to change the sadness and lonliness that those sufferings. The world continuse to rotate and I continue my life, but there are people who are suffering, whose world has stopped forever. And I, I cannot help them. What is my life...

Friday, February 24, 2006


I was just thinking about this: if you want to do something do it all the way. this philosophy can be dealt to in life. for instance, if we want to set a limit to something, we should set it at the root cause, not wait for it to grow until it is out of hand. on the other hand if we do not one to impose something, it should be free all the way...
Ignorance is Bliss

Economics make sense of the world
Politics make vision of the thought
Philosophies make ideas of behaviour
And I make sense of all of them.

Economics tell me how sensible we are
Politics tell me how much we value things
Philosophy tell me how people think
And I tell myself how to be wise

Economics teaches me how to argue
Politics teaches me how to get my way
Philosophy teaches me how to convince
And I learn just how to win

Economics teaches me that this world is cruel
Politics teaches me that men are liars
Philosophy teaches me that we are just the above two
And I just wish I hadn’t learnt any.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Nowhere to Go

I am so scared.
With that wealth of knowledge.
The realisation that the world is so complicated.
It spins out of control
No institution, no person can control it.
I am scared of the insane world

I can’t ran Home
To my Father’s arm
I am orphaned
Left hanging on the thread of blood
And how do I know that would even last
In this insane world

Can I close my eyes.
But for a moment
Shut everything out
Would that be ignorant or weak?
Just how can I escape—
Living in this insane world

When I feel like screaming,
Like crying
Like dying
Like running
Then I know that
I am part of the insane world

And that makes me sane.

Please help me.
I can’t take this anymore
The rush of blood in my head
The feelings in my hand
The trembling in my leg
The tiredness in my body

I don’t want this—
Not anymore
Please just take this away
Let me go to sleep; to be dead
Give me rest--
From the tiredness in my body

And that makes me sane


Tuesday, February 21, 2006



I love to sleep. Today, I slept so much. Now I am contented. How do I know I am. Because for right now, I feel that I do not feel tired nor have the urge to close my eyes. I know it is not going to last forever but at least I feel good now. Temporal pleasure.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

how do i use this? does a blog make me my own editor. how cool!

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